With our full service concept, which we have called the Full Orbit Data Monetisation Platform (DMP®), we provide a solution that completely unburdens customers of the hassle of implementing a solution to get more value from their data.
DMP® provides the necessary (cloud) infrastructure, including software, VPNs, etc., which we host and manage and offer in a subscription model. We develop the solution in project form based on our best practices. We apply scrum to increase the involvement of all stakeholders.
Due to the modular structure of the platform, it scales with business demand, while optimising costs at the same time. We thus facilitate the gradual growth that we describe in our Data Maturity Model.
There are customers who choose to accelerate the time-to-market, but who want to take control of further development and management themselves. In these situations Full Orbit is in the lead for with regards to developing the solution, but with customer employees codeveloping and taking over from us after completion of the project. In such cases, we also often provide in-house training and take our best practices with us.
By choosing a supplier who is familiar with developing data-driven solutions, the risks of budget and planning overruns are considerably lower.
New technology, the loss of (internal) employees or a large project can be reasons to temporarily hire capacity. Our employees are up to speed with the latest developments and are used to participating in projects. In addition, they can rely on Full Orbit colleagues, so that solutions are found more quickly.
Especially with regards to Oracle technology, our consultants are distinctive compared to other suppliers.